Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 17, 2011 - World Prematurity Day

Today is World Prematurity Day So we felt like we should post "Then & Now" photos to celebrate how far Eleanor has come in these seven and a half months.

2 pounds and 7.7 ounces - a micro-preemie

12 3/4 inches long. / Wrapped in plastic to keep her warm.

Day three - after being transfered to Ashford Hospital nicu

Day four - visiting hours only
Chest tube installed / small, but strong grip on Mommy's finger

 Home now for four months and doing wonderfully.  Our little Eleanor is Tiny But Mighty!  We are all having a wonderful time being a family!  We love Eleanor's personality!  She is a strong willed, happy baby girl who shows us so much love!  It is nice to now to share some of the same experiences as parents of "termies" we feel confident in all of Eleanor's progress and developments ... She is amazing!
By Myself!  She likes to figure things out on her own. 
Spa Jet Bubbles in her fancy tub

'I love my Bruppy' onesie while playing with her Bruppy / They love each other

So Strong

So Lovable

So Curious 

So Funny

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sept 2, 2011

Broken scale at the doctor's office.... we don't know what happened, but we know that Eleanor was not 6 lbs 10 oz. that last day.  She is however, 6 lbs 14 oz. now!  

We had appt with the ped physical therapist.  Eleanor is developing well and she sees no need for physical therapy.  She was really impressed with her head control.  The doctor did stress the importance of stimulation in the first six months and told us if she is in the mood to play that we should drop everything and play ... we do this anyway so no prob.

The pediatrician and the physical therapist both noticed that Eleanor's fontanelle (soft spot) is closing up prematurely.  This can be very serious so we had it checked out and had x-rays and a sonogram of her skull done.  Eleanor is perfect.  No need to worry about her cranial development.

Eleanor is now sitting upright in her new favorite toy.. her "super seat" from Mommy and Daddy.  She loves it!!!